Compare Regulation

Market participants, lawyers and compliance professionals need to compare different versions of regulations, such as MiFID II, to identify key differences in the texts over time.

Various amendments have been made to MiFID II since it went live and a full review of the legislation is also in progress. Our ‘version compare’ functionality compares different versions of MiFID II over time.

Key features

  • Receive timely alerts for changes to regulatory texts
  • Work more efficiently with the regulatory changes visible in a clear format
  • Analyse and compare updates and amends to MiFIR / MiFID II texts via Single Rulebook’s labels and annotations functionality
  • Share legal and regulatory opinion on regulatory updates across the organisation

Compare MiFID II Level 1 and 2 texts at different points in time

Single Rulebook’s compare tool is easy to use and available in one click from the Single Rulebook user interface screen. Users can compare regulatory text in tracked changes format, or as two pieces of text side by side. Regulatory changes and updates are clearly visible with deleted text shown as struck through in red and new regulatory text shown in green.

We are proud to be working with Linklaters to provide an innovative tool highlighting how the EU and UK rulebooks for financial services are diverging post-Brexit. Find out more about Linklaters Law Compare.

“We believe this technology will form a crucial part of legal compliance toolkits post-Brexit. This tool is further evidence of our commitment to helping our global clients to stay ahead of a rapidly changing regulatory framework in the EU and UK.”

Pansy Wong, Financial Regulatory Partner – Linklaters

Request a demo

For a demo of our compare regulation functionality, please get in touch.

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