SFTR Reporting goes live for investment firms

It’s been eight years in the making but the Securities Financing Transaction Regulation (SFTR) reporting regime is now live for the first and second cohorts of firms required to report under this complex regime.  In this video, our SFTR Director Jonathan Lee, who has been has been at the forefront of advocacy and educational efforts for SFTR, covers the following questions: 

  • You’ve been heavily involved from the outset, how are you feeling now the reporting obligation is finally live? 
  • Do you feel that SFTR reporting will achieve what the regulation intends ie. transparency and fewer risks in securities financing markets?
  • What should firms be focusing on in the coming weeks?
  • What’s the quality of reporting expected to be like? 
  • SFTR goes live for the buy-side in October, what lessons can they learn from the sell-side?

Find out more about our SFTR Reporting Assurance services or contact us for a conversation with one of our SFTR subject matter experts.